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수두룩이 낳다 영어로


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  • spawn
  • 낳다    낳다11 [출산하다] bear; give birth to; be
  • 두두룩이    두두룩이 [돋아오른 모양] protuberantly; protrusively; into a swell[an elevation]. 흙을 ~ 쌓아올리다 pile[heap] earth up into a small mound. 젖가슴을 ~ 내밀다 her breasts stand out from the chest.
  • 수두룩하다    수두룩하다 (다량) much; a good[great] deal of; a lot[wealth] of; plenty[lots] of; plentiful; abound in[with]; (다수) many; a good[great] many; a large number of; numerous; [흔하다] common; stock . 할 일이 ~ have
  • 낳다    낳다11 [출산하다] bear; give birth to; be delivered of; bring forth; breed(동물이); (알을) lay ; spawn(물고기가). 자기가 낳은 자식 one's own child. 소가 송아지를 ~ a cow calves a calf. 말이 망아지를 ~ a horse foals a colt[filly]. 개가
  • 수두    수두 [水痘] 『醫』 varicella; chicken pox.▷ 수두 백신 a chicken pox vaccine.
  • 얼룩이    얼룩이1 [점] spots; mottles. ☞ 얼룩 12 [얼룩덜룩한 동물] a spotted[dappled / dotted] animal; a piebald; (얼룩덜룩한 고양이) a tabby.
  • 수두 백신    Varicella vaccine
  • 수두증    Hydrocephalus
  • 알을 낳다    oviposit; lay; spawn
  • 을 낳다    give birth
  • 두두룩하다    두두룩하다 swollen; protuberant; raised; elevated; heaved; high. 젖가슴이 두두룩한 busty / round-bosomed. 두두룩한 젖가슴 full breasts. 두두룩한 지갑 a well-filled purse.
  • 더부룩이    더부룩이 (수염·머리 등이) in tufts; tufty; fringy; bushy; thick(ly); unkempt; (풀 등이) thick(ly); rankly; rampantly. (풀이) ~ 자라다 grew thick and wild / be rank. 머리털이 ~ 자랐다 My hair grew thick. / My hair get tufty.
  • 벼룩이 꾄    crawling
  • 벼룩이 문 자국    flea bite
  • 벼룩이 있는 동물    fleabag
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